Spiritual Transformational Mentorship and Integration Coaching
Individual Sessions are 1 hour long, in person in SE Portland, Oregon, or over Zoom, and are offered at a sliding scale of $50-100.
I specialize in integration with cannabis and other psychedelic or entheogenic substances and plant spirit medicines as part of a journey of spiritual healing and awakening into ever more conscious evolution. This work is related to, and informed by, my education in psychedelic integration coaching, as well as my own journey of spiritual emergence, healing, and ongoing spiritual evolution.
I create and hold a judgement and shame-free container for you to process and move through your personal healing and evolutionary work. I provide insight and wisdom from my own learning and journey, as well as from my intuitive energetic guidance system. I provide gentle guidance to assist in the creation and deepening of your own process.
I provide deep listening and radical witnessing for your journey of awakening and ongoing evolution.
I come from a nested complex adaptive systems cosmology, which is informed by integral philosophy and systems science concepts. This serves as a bridge between a multitude of spiritual belief systems.
I am trauma informed and liberation oriented. I work with an anti-oppression lens. This lens is sensitive to the severe power imbalances inherent in our current western social systems and to the ongoing harms and traumas caused by these imbalances.
My work is a blend of mentorship and coaching that can be tailored to meet your specific needs and aspirations.
Mentorship vs Coaching
Mentorship is driven by your interpersonal and personal growth, whereas coaching is outcome driven.
Mentorship is gentle, relationship-focused guidance, whereas coaching is more structured training.
In Mentorship, the mentee steers the relationship and drives sessions; in coaching, the coach does.
What is Integration Coaching for?
Integration coaching can be particularly helpful for working with:
• Psychedelic and cannabis experiences
• Meditative states
• Spiritual emergence
• Significant life events (such as death of a loved one, end of a significant relationship, abrupt career shift)
This work is to integrate in a healthy and productive way what has come up through a non-ordinary state or significant life event. Through the integration process you will bring the information, wisdom, and healing potential forward into embodied being by implementing and solidifying changes in your life. Integration work ideally begins soon after the experience. For planned non-ordinary states work, such as with psychedelic substances, integration may even begin before the experience, during the preparation phase. That said, integration can take place at any time, no matter how long ago your experiences.
My energetic guidance system is available to you, as well as my experience integrating from my non-ordinary states in my own life. I will create the container and facilitate your work by providing guideposts and reflection. Your own inner guidance will lead the way, and together we will discover and develop integration processes and practices that will allow you to create and sustain positive changes in your life. This means that the experience and wisdom gained will work to change your life in meaningful ways. You may uncover your life purpose, work with your inner child, move through trauma, release addiction, and more.
Cannabis Mentorship and Ceremony
Cannabis is a powerful plant spirit ally to the integration process, and to spiritual practice in general. I provide education, facilitation, and guidance in working with cannabis more consciously and intentionally for integration of personal healing, spiritual connection, and evolution. I create and hold ceremonial containers for individual and group cannabis-allied integration practice.
Individual Cannabis Allyship Starter
Sit with cannabis in a new way – redefine or hone your allyship – connect with deep reverence.
Meet cannabis as an ally to your personal healing and evolutionary journey.
Map your relationship with cannabis and orient yourself as to where you are so you can find direction for where you wish to go.
Learn about working with cannabis as a balanced part of your ongoing integration practice – whether you are integrating psychedelic experiences, your day-to-day life experiences, life transitions, or spiritual emergence.
Starter Kit includes: 1 mapping and orientation session (1 hour); 2 mentorship sessions (1 hour each); and 1 light cannabis-assisted ceremonial experience (2-4 hours). $420.
Ongoing and as-needed Cannabis Mentorship and Ceremony
One-on-one mentorship session: Sliding scale of $50-$100, 1 hour
One-on-one cannabis ceremony: Sliding scale of $150-420, 3-6 hours
Ongoing and as-needed Cannabis Mentorship and Ceremony
One-on-one mentorship session: Sliding scale of $50-$100, 1 hour
One-on-one cannabis ceremony: Sliding scale of $150-420, 3-6 hours
Cannabis Groups
Three Month Cannabis Intensive
(sign up for a 30-minute consult to learn more):
Introduction to working with Cannabis as an Ally to Healing and Evolution – A Three Month Group Dive into Conscious and Ceremonial Cannabis Practice, limited to five participants. Offered for a sliding scale rate of $100-420 per participant per month.
This is a three-month, small group container for you to shift or re-establish a relationship with cannabis as a respected and sacred plant ally to the integration process of your personal healing and evolutionary awakening journey.
If you have a history with cannabis, and have known this plant for years, but you are wanting to deepen and/or balance your relationship so that it becomes more conscious, sacred, reciprocal, and beneficial to your journey, this may be a great place to start.
I will gently guide and hold sacred container as we learn together and begin to understand cannabis as an evolutionary ally and sacred partner. The invitation is to restore or find balance in your relationship with the plant, so that cannabis is an ally, supporting you on your path.
This three-month container includes:
– A committed, like-intentioned community for the entire three month container
– 3 two-hour meetings per month for preparation and integration
– 1 four-hour group ceremonial experience per month
– Text and email support
– Journaling and meditation practice ideas
– Creative expression
– Co-creative participation