To maintain the sovereignty of the integral, the choice to be “in relationship” (relating) with an other, as well as how that relating is expressed, must be truly a continual choice.

If choice is not made on a continual basis, then some sovereignty is lost – freedom reduced.

We each, being sovereign, may choose to abdicate, or give up, some or all our sovereignty. This is voluntary abdication. This is a part of our power to choose (our self-author-ship).

In our current paradigm and manifested reality, we EACH have also experienced our sovereignty being forcefully violated by an other exercising Power over us. This is involuntary abdication of sovereignty.

When power, or sovereignty, is taken from us by the strength and force of an other exercising power over us, we learn/feel/experience/embody the Victim (or the oppressed).

This experience is remembered and stored in our cellular structures, our DNA, and the very essence of our being (individually for the sovereign and collectively for the integral).

We each have ALSO experienced taking power or sovereignty from an other by the force of our own power over them.

When we take sovereignty from another by force, we experience/embody/learn the perpetrator (or oppressor) role.

This pattern is similarly remembered, or imprinted, onto the template for being Human (again this occurs both individually for the sovereign and collectively for the integral).

This duality/polarity leads directly to a third experience, or role, that lives between the seeming opposites, and that role is the savior. Just as victim and perpetrator, the savior is currently a universal human experience.

“Savior” arises out of guilt and shame: guilt for the inner perpetrator; shame for the inner victim. Guilt comes from taking someone’s sovereignty when you are in terror of the same being done to you. Shame comes from having your power or sovereignty violated by another, which often creates a desire to have been the one who took the other’s power. And our current normative culture in the colonized patriarchal world supports and reinforces this pattern (in fact, it is built on it).

All three are not only in each one of us, as sovereigns, but also are pervasive in the field that connects all things across time and space (what some call the grid).

SELF-FORGIVENESS is a key to forgiveness of other; AND vice versa is true. On one level, one must precede the other –

Yet, ultimately, these are One and the same thing – and therefore If you truly achieve one, the other is instantaneous.

That said, it is highly unlikely that many of us will reach this completion in this lifetime (without accepting that truth, we may block ourselves from achieving the relative forgiveness of self and other that is within our reach)!

Keep in mind that thousands of years of running a pattern within the species grid (and likely beyond out into the beyond-human as well) cannot be re-woven in a human lifetime. All things that exist do so in relativity.

Forgiveness of self (and other) is a key to moving beyond the victim/perpetrator/savior roles which keep us separate and afraid. Beyond these roles, and the separation they perpetuate, is the unity of the integral.

The integral is our collective nature, which optimally exists and is embodied in harmony with our sovereign nature such that we humans embody a sovereign integral.

We are presently largely disconnected from our integral under the domination of colonialist ways and patriarchy – and in all cultures and societies born of the oppressor/oppressed/savior pattern.

Remembering unity consciousness through reconnecting with our Integral, in harmony with the sovereign, is some of the Great Work of our time and place.

Embodiment of the sovereign integral of this planet is the current species-level step humanity is invited to take as a part of its evolution, and as necessary to navigate a full metaphysical and cultural shift at the grid level.

This re-connection starts with one-on-one and familial relating on an embodied level – and this takes the healing of the ones who’ll relate, which in part must occur alone, but which must be completed in relationship with an other. The integral is as fundamental to our human-ness as the sovereign.

When one exists without the other, there is no mirror, and the one lives in an echo chamber – able to convince itself of any reality it chooses – it is a sovereign with no sense of its integral nature. In this state, a protective shell develops around the fragile sovereign. The sovereign is extremely fragile because it feels itself to be entirely alone. In the state of alone, the sovereign believes in its own stories and projections. It mistakes these for Truths, rather than as information to be processed and learned from. The state of fragility perpetuates the cycle. The time is NOW to break free.